
Strategie / Branding / Producten / Touchpoints

Wilfred.Works is een toegankelijke netwerkpartner die naar je luistert en je technologische obstakels uit de weg ruimt. Wij creëerden een merk dat hen klaarstoomt voor toekomstig succes door hun unieke positie in de IT-sector nog beter over te brengen.

Personal touch

Through diverse online touchpoints, we highlight the approachability and personal touch of Wilfred.Works. Simple troubleshooting videos for social media starring founder Gert Molkens himself are just one example of this approach.

Wilfred at your service

Offline touchpoints such as vehicles, banners and gear double down on the personification and approachability of Wilfred.Works and give the brand a slightly witty tone of voice.

Inspired by this case? Curious how we can make your growth count? We're happy to share our thoughts and discuss your challenges.

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