How 13 years of flirting will benefit the growth of your company.
June 12, 2024
Today marks the one year anniversary of Jeremy Vanmaele joining Equals Three as Creative Director, bringing over a decade of advertising experience with him. Needless to say, we are thrilled to have him on our team. As an introduction and reflection on his first year with us, we sat down with Jeremy to ask a few questions. Here's what he had to share.
What’s your background?
Jeremy: "For 13 years, I've been fully immersed in the dynamic and fast-paced world of advertising. It's a place where creativity knows no bounds and ideas are the key to success. Through advertising, consumers are introduced to your brand and products for possibly the first time. This is a crucial moment in building their affinity for your brand, creating a desire for your product, and establishing a connection with your values. In a way, advertising is like flirting with your customers. Tinder style."
What made you want to switch gears?
Jeremy: "Flirting may be fun, but it can also lead to unpredictable outcomes. Working tirelessly for weeks or even months to create something that only appears on TV screens or social media feeds for a short time can be exhilarating. But it's not sustainable in the long run. After over a decade of flirting with customers, I realized I wanted something more. I wanted a long-term relationship."
Why did you choose brand design as your next venture?
Jeremy: "I have always been drawn to everything that comes before the actual advertising process. The groundwork that happens before launching a new product or campaign, whether it's promoting a new peppermint flavor or introducing a cutting-edge camera or app that disrupts the banking industry. While ads play an important role in any brand or product, I found myself more interested in being involved in shaping the very essence of the brand and laying out the foundations for products and services."
And that’s where Equals Three came in.
Jeremy: “Exactly. After in-depth conversations with Mathias Schaubroeck, Orlando Thuysbaert and Joëll De Smet about their unique approach towards branding and innovation, I took the leap and joined the team at Equals Three."
What do you hope to achieve here?
Jeremy: "My goal is to guide our strategists and designers towards creating creative solutions that not only work on a brand and product level but can also be seamlessly applied in market activation. In my previous experiences, I often encountered brand guides that were innovative and visually appealing, but challenging to translate into effective communication. This meant we had to adjust key elements of the brand to make it work. By considering touchpoints and activation early on in the process, we can save valuable time and resources down the line while building more consistent brands."
And what do you bring to the table?
Jeremy: "Well... 13 years of flirting experience. (laughs) I'm excited to see how my background and expertise can bring a fresh perspective to our work at Equals Three. I may have some unconventional ways of looking at things, both within the team and towards clients. But I believe this adds value for clients who are looking to take a leap towards innovation. I am eager to embark on this exciting journey with Equals Three and contribute my skills and creativity towards shaping an inspiring future full of endless possibilities."
Are you searching for a partner to help build a creative brand that considers implementation in touchpoints and activation from the start? Let's talk!